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Yes, but they sign to be citizens first.
Yes, and as a society we can’t let people suffer or die because what they did was legal/illegal
Only White male migrants (and their female partners) and Mexican female migrants.
Maybe I’m leaning more towards no
only if they go through the process of becoming a us citizen first
Yes, but only if they are trying to make a better life for themselves and not breaking the law/have no criminal record. Otherwise, we should help them become citizens and give them temporary citizenship until they can return to their home country.
No, the government should never subsidize healthcare, and illegal immigrants should be deported at their own expense or receive the death penalty.
They should be able to have this if they pay taxes, have gone through the process of becoming a U.S. Citizen.
They should for life or death situations, but their children can with less limitations.
There is no such things as an illegal human.
Children under 19 and seniors over 65. Otherwise life threatening or infectious disease
Free/affordable healthcare for anyone. Let doctors decide a price per procedure.
Yes, but only if the immigrant(s) in question are in good standing i.e. Have no criminal record, are honest, hardworking etc., or only if they are planning to become U.S. citizens
No, first citizenship, and then all the health benefits possible.
No, and we should execute all illegal immigrants who do not finance their own deportation
Yes, but do strict background checks and then give them a citizenship
No, I think they should've come here legally and become citizens first before being entitled to government healthcare, as well as private healthcare.
No, they should've come here legally and become citizens first before being entitled to government healthcare, as well as private healthcare.
No, they should've come here legally and become citizens first before being entitled to government-funded healthcare, as well as private healthcare.
Yes, if they pay taxes or it is an emergency.
No, unless we have the means to support our country and fulfill our duties as a country and provide them healthcare; (undocumented) immigrants should become U.S. citizens first before being entitled to government benefits.
It depends if they are refugees or not. If they are, they should have healthcare. But if they are not, they should try to apply for citizenship but maybe allow their children too.
No, unless we have the means to support our country and fulfill our duties as a country and provide them healthcare.
No, unless we have the means to support our country and fulfill our duties as a country and provide them healthcare; (undocumented) immigrants should enter legally and become citizens first before being entitled to government benefits.
No, not until they come here legally and become U.S. citizens
No, not until they came here legally and become U.S. citizens
If they are a U.S. citizen
Yes, but only if they are trying to make a better life for themselves and not breaking the law. Otherwise, we should help them become citizens and give them temporary citizenship until they can return to their home country.
Yes, but only for life threatening emergencies or infectious diseases, and we should deport all illegal immigrants, ensuring families stay together, are given food, water, shelter, and good temperature in the meantime, and make it speedy so it isn't long and drawn out.
Yes; in all cases for children, but only for life-threatening emergencies or infectious diseases for people over 18.
Yes, but the should start to become a legal immigrant or have already started
No, but the path to citizenship MUST become easier.
Heterosexual (not heterosexual ally) and asexual, centrist and rightist, and monogamist citizens of any country except Saudi Arabia, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Maldives, Brunei, Palestine, Cuba, Somalia, Mauritania, Comoros, the People's Republic of China, Vietnam, Laos, North Korea, Somaliland, Kosovo, Cuba, Transnistria, South Ossetia, Artsakh, Abkhazia, Northern Cyprus and Venezuela (27 prohibited countries)
Yes, we should also put a system in place so it is easier to become a legal citizen.
Yes, and grant them citizenship, if they want it that is.
technically, this land was stolen, so yes, they should
Yes, but the appropriate authorities should be notified. Additionally, there needs to be a sensible path to citizenship.
Grant them a chance at citizenship and provide 1 year of benefits while they become citizens and integrate into society
Yes but they need proof of them trying to get their citizenship.
Yes but it should be a ICE hospital
Yes but they have to do community service or jail time or military service or jury duty or be deported if they or someone else doesn't pay it back(unless they have kids that were born here or came here before they turned 18; then the community service would be the only options. If they refuse to do this then the parents will be put on house arrest and work for the government with a living wage until they can pay it off.) If they don't have kids and they refuse to do anything then they'll be deported. All the adults also need to pay for and be enrolled and complete a class on becoming a citizen. If they fail or don't finish they have to do more community service etc and if they refuse and don't have kids they have to be deported.
yes. But they need to apply for citizenship and apply for healthcare
I think they should be deported after treatment and only allowed to do so a few times a year till they are granted citizenship but children should be able to get care regally and as long as they are in the process of getting citizenship
grant them citizenship if they are smuggling illegal things
we shouldn't just let them go untreated especially in death circumstances. they're human to legal or not. they came here for a better life, why just treat them like they're not?
It is right for the government to provide the healthcare needed for their own citizens and that goes the same for those who are not from the country. The government should be able to provide the illegal immigrants their own needs regarding of what they prioritize in their lifestyle.
Yes, only if they have the intent to become a permanent/long lasting resident /or/ are in dire need.
Yes, Everyone should be able to government healthcare.
Yes, almost all forms of healthcare should be free
Yes, give them a path to citizenship and have them pay taxes.
Yes, but only for deadly causes, but all illegal immigrants should be deported unless they become a legal immigrant.
Yes, and all citizens should as well have free coverage with the amount we spend so negligently on poor health infrastructure.
Yes, if they pay taxes and always for any life threatening emergencies or infectious diseases, regardless of tax paying status
Some of them yes but others that do the wrong should not have the right
As long as they follow the laws and do not bother me I dont mind
The children of illegal immigrants should be provided health care and illegal immigrants should only be provided health care if it is a life or death emergency or infectious disease.
Yes, if they pay taxes, and always for life threatening emergencies or infectious diseases regardless
Yes they should have access but they should be put into the system for them to earn their citizenship
Yes, if they pay taxes and for all life threatening emergencies or infectious diseases regardless of their tax paying status.
Yes, if they pay taxes, and for all life threatening emergencies or infectious diseases regardless
Yes, if they pay taxes and also for all life threatening emergencies or infectious diseases, regardless of their tax-paying status.
Yes, if they pay taxes and for any life threatening emergencies or infectious diseases regardless
Yes, if they pay taxes and always for any life threatening emergencies or infectious diseases, regardless of tax paying status.
Yes, if they pay taxes and for all life threatening emergencies or infectious diseases regardless
Yes, if they pay taxes, and for all life threatening emergencies or infectious diseases regardless.
Yes, if they pay taxes and for all life threatening emergencies or infectious diseases regardless of tax paying status
Yes, if they pay taxes, and always for life threatening emergencies or infectious diseases regardless of tax paying status
Yes, healthcare is a human right and access to basic preventive care will lower the demand for costly emergency care
No, but their children should have access and the adults should only for life-threatening emergencies
Yes, if they pay taxes, but always for life threatening emergencies or infectious diseases regardless
There should be no government-subsidized healthcare, although perhaps a health insurance requirement should be incorporated into a Universal Basic Income. People who prefer not to buy insurance should not be required to, but they should be prepared to forfeit some of their UBI, and they should be prepared to pay for their own healthcare.
Yes, if they pay taxes and - regardless - for all life threatening emergencies or infectious diseases.
No, but they should be allowed to purchase private healthcare and charities should be encouraged to assist.
Yes, if they pay taxes and - regardless - for all life threatening emergencies or infectious diseases
Yes, as if someone is ill, it could be hazardous to others. And, everyone deserves access to healthcare.
Yes, if they pay taxes and for all life threatening emergencies or infectious diseases regardless.
Yes, if they pay taxes and for life threatening emergencies or infectious diseases regardless
yes but with series cautions
Yes, if they pay taxes, and for life threatening emergencies or infectious diseases regardless of tax paying status
For life threatening emergencies, infectious diseases and their children
Yes, but only if afflicted with a extremely infectious disease, or if said disease is life threatening, and if they are illegal immigrants, then afterwards, after treatment of the disease in question, should be immediately deported back to their home country, unless they are willing to serve in the military for at least one year in order to claim their citizenship.
Yes, and grant them green cards until they can become citizens.
No, they should be given a pathway to become legal citizens, and if they can not become citizens they should be deported.
go thuouth legaly you get trted faster so no
This depends. Case by case basis.
Yes, as long as the illegal immigrants in question are good, honest people with no criminal record who plan on becoming citizens. Their children should however be treated as a new child in the USA (as if they were born here) or they should be tested, NOT LOCKED UP.