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Yes but no at the same time. yes because they are still people but are just suspects, but no because they were or are terrorism's.
No, they need to prove they have no terrorist ties and mean our country no harm before given any constitutional rights
only if proven innocent.
No; unless terrorist suspect resides in US
They are not U.S. citizens and do not have constitutional rights but they should be tried in military tribunals and not subject to torture
No, they should have rights from their own country
I don’t think they should have constitutional rights, but torture is wrong.
Don’t know what this means either
a person convicted of terrorism should be punished by the laws of the place they live and the country the crime was committed in
An international human rights law should be established to address this
As non-citizens they should not be given any constitutional rights that only apply to citizens, but they should be retain any constitutional rights that apply to non-citizens to the same extent as domestic terrorism suspects would.
Yes, but only after proper investigation and background checks, and they are found not guilty and/or if they passed the standards to have the rights.
Yes, while on American soil.
i dont really know anything about this topic to say yes or no
No, they are not U.S. citizens and do not have constitutional rights, but they should not be subject to torture. We should do what one successful info-getter did by befriending the prisoners, going on walks with them, and soon these soldiers who were trained to withstand torture were sharing secret info by accident.
Human rights, yes. Constitutional rights, not necessarily. Any person should be given a fair trial and should not be held indefinitely in an extrajudicial fashion.
Foreign terrorists should be treated as enemy combatants.
They should be given human rights and treated fairly.
Just shoot the terrorists.
It depends on any circumstances. If someone is claimed to be a terrorist but there is no visible evidence to suggest that they have been conspiring a terrorist act, then they should have constitutional rights. If, however, they pose a significant threat to our country and have clear evidence of conspiring a terrorist act, they should not have constitutional rights.
Yes, after proper investigation and background checks, just to be sure that the foreigner won't go destroying our country. But only if they are found not guilty and/or if they passed the standards to have the rights.
Yes, but only if they are found not guilty and/or if they passed the standards to have the rights after proper investigation and background checks, and just ensure that the foreigner won't go destroying our country.
Yes, but only after proper investigation and background checks, and if they are found not guilty and/or if they passed the standards to have the rights.
Foreign terrorism suspects should not be subject to unusual or cruel punishments; they should be held for a very short time, then be released or tried by an appropriate court (either by the US or the nation in which they were captured). No one should be held in indefinite incarceration with no recourse.
Assuming they're in captivity, yes. They are still terrorists and the extension of our constitutional rights should be revoked if necessary.
Yes, until proven guilty even though they may not be citizens, they should be seen fairly unless proven to have ties with terrorist organizations.
If they are just suspects yes but if there is actual proof that they were apart of terrorism or participated in it then no.
I would not say so given they aren't citizens, I think the government could keep a close eye on those individuals.
Yes, unless they are actual terrorist
How flexible is the term suspect? If government agencies find the alleged with incriminating contraband, then no, they shouldn't have extensive legal opportunities. They should be afforded a fair trial, but appeals should be eliminated. Also, the penalties should fit the crime.
No, if they're proven to be terrorists. if they're proven not to be, then yes
yes and no, They are not U.S citizens but should be treated as a human being. just because they are different doesn't mean they aren't human
They should have no Constitutional rights intel they are proven not guilty.
Yes, unless they were actually convicted of the crime, then no they shouldn't be given rights.
i need more information to form an opinion
Not unless they are proven innocent.
They should but they should e closely monitored
Yes, but only if they are registered citizens of the U.S., and if not give them back to their country for their country to take care of them on their country grounds.
No, but they should be given human rights and treated fairly based on how much they are suspected of terrorism.
If they are in the United States, they should be. If they are in a foreign country, they should be given the rights of that country. We cannot force our laws outside of our jurisdiction and we need to work together with foreign governments to ensure both of our safety.
Yes, Constitutional rights are inherent human rights. There should be no difference
No, they aren’t U.S. Citizens and don’t have constitutional rights, and if we were to make every criminal captured into one, it would become a leading incentive for terorrist groups.
Human rights apply to EVERYbody, therefore they should be treated equally like everyone else
Yes, while not citizens, they should be given the bare minimum of geneva rights when under our custody, even abroad.
Basic human rights apply, but they are not US citizens
They should be given a trial but they also should be tortured to get information.
No, but they should be treated humanely when possible.
Treat them like a human but they don't have rights as a citizen
When Congress declares war, the rules of war should apply to enemy combatants. Foreign terrorism suspects will evaporate when we stop fighting undeclared wars.
I don't understand what this question is asking.
Yes we should set examples and not be like them. Coincidentally the war on terror has lasted 20 years...if no one other than me has noticed.
it depends on if they are just being suspected/accused without rightful evidence or if they have actual evidence
Yes, if they are found to be innocent.
If they are proven innocent then yes
I am young so I wouldn't accept or decline
although they have done wrong things, they should be given a chance since they are human and have rights. if they fail the second chance, take them into custody. in the end, they would be walking on very thin ice with america.
No, they are not U.S. citizens and do not have constitutional rights. They should be treated as terrorist war criminals and held to the international standard in dealing with international criminals.
They should be treated as human beings, but have limited constitutional rights as they are not citizens.
Suspects must be given a fair trial until found guilty to prevent harming the wrongly accused.
Suspects must be given a fair trial until found guilty to prevent harming wrongly accused.
Our constitutional rights exists because that is how we believe human beings should be treated.
No, they are not U.S. citizens but basic human rights are still valid.
No I don't think so, if they are suspected why take the chance
If they are legal citizens yes, if they aren't then no.
If they are not a citizen they should not be given constitutional rights but as a human being they should not be tortured or treated as a animal.
I DON'T KNOW if they were only suspected because of their nationality then yeah, give them their rights! But like if there was a legit reason then Idk be just a little cautious? not racist! Cautious.
Until they are proven to be terrorists, they should be treated equally like all other people.
They should be tried civilly or at the very least not tortured unless they have information that they are not willing to give up that could save lives but in moderation.
everyone deserves free trail before being accused of any thing ,no matter what it is.
It depends on what they've been suspected of so maybe but maybe not.
They should be tried in Military Tribunals but not subject to torture, unless required.
Give them a fair trial and they should still be protected under constitutional rights(that are applicable) however they should not be subjected to torture.
No not constitutional rights but basic human rights.
If they are in America or somewhere where our constitutional rights are in effect, they should have constitutional rights
Not if they do not have citizenship or are not planning to become a citizen
They should still have their basic human rights, if we’re going to be the ones putting them to justice it should at least be by our own rules.
No unless they’re proven innocent or served enough time
It depends what we think they are going to do.
No, they should not be given constitutional rights but they should not be subject to torture at the hands of the government or military.
Yes, give them a fair trial like they are a citizen
They should be held accountable as war prisoners and treated as such. UCMJ.
Depends, but Guatanamo Bay should be shut down.
No, because if they are a suspect of murdering people or planning anything, they should be sent right to prison.
Yes, though not equivalent to U.S. citizens, they deserve a fair and impartial trial.
Yes they should be able to have rights. Just limited rights because they aren´t citzens.
Yes, if they are established U.S citizens or are already in the process of establishing citizenship.
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