A tariff is a tax on imports or exports between countries.
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Add tariffs on items from US companies that were made overseas to the corporations.
No, only add tariffs on products imported by job outsourcing businesses
No, only add or increase tariffs on products imported by job outsourcing businesses
No, except on those countries that steal our intellectual property and manipulate their currency
No, except on products from countries that steal our intellectual property and manipulate their currency
No, but drastically increase taxes and import tariffs on outsourcing businesses
No, but add or increase tariffs on resources imported by job outsourcing manufacturers
No, but add or increase import tariffs on job outsourcing businesses
No, but add or increase tariffs on material resources and products imported by job outsourcing businesses
No, only on products that are imported by outsourcing businesses
No, add or increase tariffs only on products imported by businesses who are outsourcing jobs in exchange for low wage manufacturing labor
No, only for businesses that are outsourcing jobs in exchange for cheap labor to make their products
No, only on imports by businesses who are outsourcing manufacturing jobs in exchange for low wage labor
No, only on products imported by businesses who are outsourcing jobs in exchange for low wage manufacturing labor
No, only on products imported by businesses outsourcing jobs in exchange for low wage manufacturing labor
No, only on products imported by businesses that are outsourcing jobs in exchange for low wage manufacturing labor
No, only on products imported by outsourcing businesses
No, only on products imported by job outsourcing businesses
No, a global free trade system is better for our businesses and consumers, with China being the sole exception due to their theft of our intellectual property
No, a global free trade system is better for our businesses and consumers, with China being the exception due to their theft of our intellectual property and manipulation of their currency
No, only on products imported by businesses who outsource jobs to other countries in exchange for substandard labor expenses