The American Civics test is an examination that all immigrants must pass to gain U.S. citizenship. The test asks 10 randomly selected questions which cover U.S. history, the constitution and government. In 2015 Arizona became the first state to require High School students to pass the test before they graduate.
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Make it a test which shows how the country and government works.
The citizenship test should be made less difficult, most citizens can’t pass it, let alone immigrants.
Yes, but it should be based on how our country functions.
It should be based on how our country works. Refugees do not need to take it.
Should be based on how the country works.
Yes, something that explains how our country works.
It should be about how our country functions.
It should be about how the country works.
Yes, based on how the country works.
Yes, and grant them citizenship if they score at or above the average for current US citizens
Regardless, indefinitely halt all immigration
The test should be about how the country runs instead of history.
It should be how our country works/functions.
It should be based on how the country works.
Yes, and it should also cover the Bible, church history, the law, and their rights.
Yes, but it should be based on how the country functions.
No, it should be information of how our country functions.
Based on how the country works
Yes, based on how the country runs.
Yes, it should be based on how the country works.
No, it should be based on how the country works.
Should be about how our country functions
Yes, it should be based on how our country works.
It should be based on how the country functions
Should be based on how the country functions
It should be based on how the country functions.
Not a test but we need to show them how our country works (flaws and perks).
Yes, it should be how the country works.
I believe all citizens should pass a test, to receive (Full} citizenship
Yes, but only if/when they are pursuing US citizenship or permanent residency
Yes and all citizens should pass such a test as a requirement to vote.
Yes, if it's fair and just.
Immigrants applying for citizenship should not have to learn things about this country that will not aid them in their day-to-day lives as citizens. They should also not be forced to learn English as the United States has no official language.
Yes, to enter Joelistan, you have to agree to play by my house rules: no theocrats or esotericrats allowed. No, to enter the US under a government-mandated test would imply the existence of a government and government-owned and -maintained borders. Only private citizens should have the authority to deny entry into their land. Sell all the land to private owners and the border problem solves itself.
Yes, but it should teach immigrants how to vote and live in the united states.
Yes, and it should test more than just a basic level of understanding, and make sure that all citizens know what the test covers as well
Yes, and citizens should have to pass the exam as well upon turning 18
Yes, and all American citizens should have to pass the exam as well upon turning 18
Yes, but provide those who wish to become citizens a course to learn about us, ensure that they have the best chance of passing a test, and ensure that they are willing to be a patriot.
Yes, and make it required to be able to pass it in order to graduate high school.
Yes, but it should extend to all citizens. It should cover basic, simple topics, but also provide resources to prepare for the test, etc.
Yes. However, it should only cover very basic and simple topics, but if they want to, then they can be allowed to take a test that tests more than just a basic level of understanding
No, most American citizens can't pass a citizenship test
No, they shouldn't be required unless they're going to get granted citizenship.
Yes, and naturalized citizens should also be required to pass a citizenship test at the age of majority
Yes but only on basic governmental functions and laws and financial duties that elementary students would already know.
Yes, but so should natural born citizens who want to vote.
Yes, but the test should be very easy and only made to make sure the immigrant would not be ignorant to how America operates.
No, I am in general in favor of open borders.
No, I am in general in favor of open borders. Also, citizenship tests very often turn out to contain bizarre and unnecessary questions.
The country does not have an official language, but history and especially government is key.
No, just require them to take a class.
No, only immigrants who are applying to be naturalized as citizens should, as part of the citizenship process. However, this should apply only to history and government, because the US has no official language and is a nation of many cultures. However, newly naturalized citizens should be given the option to attend free, easily accessible English classes so that they can learn English if they want to, since this will help them live more easily in the current US climate and therefore be more effective citizens.
Yes, but do not deport them if they fail, they can still remain legal residents until they pass the Civics test. And we should have mandatory civic classrooms in all public schools.
Yes, and only immigrants from Europe and other Whites should be admitted
Yes, and it should test more than just a basic level of understanding. Moreover, this same exam should be passed by all citizens before they can have a voter registration.
We need to embrace ALL people and ethnicities.
Basic understanding of everyday routines that differ from their home country. Should be done for cultural respect and safety reasons.
No, provide education on our government in their language.
No, but require a similar test for voter registration that must be taken by all Americans and immigrants.
Yes, and current citizens should be tested as well.
No, it is absurd to expect them to know all of our history when many American citizens do not, instead focus on skills that could be provided to various sectors via mental acuity tests in their native language. The most important thing is merely the background checks, nothing more is truly relevant to their longterm success here.
Yes, and all high schools should require it for graduation.
Yes, but the test should be where you teach them basic English, make sure they know their rights, morals, and what common sense in America is.
Enough to function as a citizen in US society. Its vague but its better than nothing.
Yes, but this test should be made harder and be mandated for any and all registered voters.
Yes, and high schoolers should be able to pass a citizenship test before they graduate.
Yes, the only immigrants who should be accepted should be highly skilled and will help our economy, government, or culture
Yes, it should be over very basic and simple topics that are around a high school level where American citizens would pass it.
Yes, but these should only make up 10% of the test the rest should see if the person has positive morals, labor skills, and will perform civil duties.
Revise the citizenship test, most citizens couldn’t even pass it, and then require it
Yes, but do not deport them if they fail
Yes, but the focus should be on civics, rights, and laws not language, history, and government and the same test should be given to all students graduating high school in this country.
Yes, and the same requirement test should be held in public schools to graduate.
Yes but most United States citizens couldn’t even pass a citizenship test so the very basic and simple topics should be covered for immigrants.
Yes, but the test should be less inclusive, and the topics should be easier to comprehend.
Yes, but it should only cover language.
Yes but it should only be hard enough that natural born citizens could pass.
Yes, not only should we require beyond a basic level of understanding but require new immigrants to properly assimilate after a certain amount of time passed
Yes, not only should we require beyond a basic level of understanding but require new immigrants to properly assimilate after a certain amount of time spent on out country. If they cannot learn to love our country, deport them.
Yes but they should be given free class to learn
No, Since the test wouldn't prove much as to getting their citizenship.
Yes. but only for basic knowledge of the English language, because if we're honest most u.s born citizens couldn't even pass a grammar test let alone a test on history and government.
It should be based on how the country works
Yes, but it should only cover topics that our own citizens would know.
Yes, but it should only cover topics that our own citizens would know
Yes, and so should all citizens that graduate high school.
Yes, it should be based on how the country functions.
Yes but only on a test that citizens have already proven they can pass.
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