Try the political quiz


 @92GWJXX from Georgia  answered…3yrs3Y

 @924BCN4 from Pennsylvania  answered…3yrs3Y


Sure, but make safe zones in these countries so these people do not need to come to ours.

 @8Z2VTYT from Washington  answered…3yrs3Y


They should be settled in countries close to Syria that have the same kind of culture and language as them.

 @93DSRN9 from Illinois  answered…3yrs3Y

 @92ZYZRW from Missouri  answered…3yrs3Y

 @932YGD7 from Texas  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but with circumstances that allow them to become legal citizens or stay on a visa.

 @8YWHYGD from Ohio  answered…3yrs3Y

  @st60645078 from Ohio  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8ZTRY8J from North Carolina  answered…3yrs3Y

only accept if they are not going to mean us any harm and must come in the right way


No, I would prefer a permanent immigration ban no matter which country they came from, for the most part. Mexican females and White males make for the next generation - this is the only good kind of interbreed. Mexican males should be sent back.


Make safe zones in Syria for those who want to stay. Allow people that helped us leave if they want to.


No, make safe zones in Syria so we do not have to deal with these people.



Make safe zones in Syria and so on for those trying to flee. The western world doesn't want these people ruining our societies. Just look at Germany and how these men rape the women in the streets. What does one expect from a disgusting religion.


Make safe zones in these countries instead of allowing so many of them into our western nations.


Yes, but only the Christian minority which has been persecuted the most.


No, we have already accepted over 10,000 refugees, and should wait before accepting more.


Make safe zones in their own countries. We need to be focusing on the homelessness issue before letting in more people.

 @92K4VXS from Oklahoma  answered…3yrs3Y

 @92YTSSF from North Carolina  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes with background checks, and other careful ways of looking into their reason.


background checks are important but i don’t think extensible and continuous checks and monitoring are necessary; if they are clear the first or second time, then surely they’re okay



No, there should be safe zones in their own country so they do not have to leave.



There should be safe zones in their own country so they do not have to leave.




No, we should instead attempt to find them new homes in allied nations but in the event that we do allow them they must undergo a strict background check


There is no room in America for extra people. There are so many homeless people so if we welcome the Syrians, they won't have a place to stay.


We should have one standard for immigrants. It should focus on the welfare of the US and of US citizens. Whether a potential immigrant is a refugee or not is not the relevant consideration.


Yes, we should accept refugees in Syria and we have the right to take refugees in jail only if they made any violence against people or society.


Make safe zones in these countries so these people do not need to come to ours.

 @8QLPGWB from California  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, we should accept refugees from Syria, but we should have background checks without monitoring them.

 @8QNP2M5 from Maryland  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, as long as they are truly refugees. It is okay to have scrutiny and we should help those who truly need help but be careful to keep individuals who wish to do use harm from coming in through those means.

 @8YHQZWY from California  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8L2VFC4 from Missouri  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8RBQDDP from Vermont  answered…4yrs4Y

No, we should eliminate any opportunity for terrorists to enter the country, but we should work with the U.N to find a solution

 @8HDWQKS from Tennessee  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but only after extensive background checks and continuous monitoring to ensure they have no terrorist connections and not more than our fair share. We should also considering helping near by countries that have similar cultures to the refugees, so that they can help take them in.

 @92MDVFR from Georgia  answered…3yrs3Y

Asylum? Yes. Finance their expenses once they arrive in America? No. We currently have hundreds of thousands of homeless citizens in the USA, so funding foreign nationals seeking refugee status within our borders needs to be addressed by the private sector, not the government.

 @6HDD83R from California  answered…4yrs4Y

Only Syrian Christians, Jews, and liberal*, secular, heterosexual and asexual, centrist and rightist, religiously tolerant, and monogamist Muslims

* liberal Muslims as in Muslims who are more open minded about their sons & daughters marrying non-Muslims (e.g. Christians) or even converting to Christianity upon their marriage to their non-Muslim spouse (e.g. the first lady of Argentina who converted to Roman Catholicism from Islam, where she stated in an interview with La Nación newspaper in 2012, that her father is a liberal Muslim who did not object to one of Juliana's sisters marrying a Christian and the other a Jew)

 @6HDD83R from California  answered…4yrs4Y

Only Syrian Christians and Jews, and liberal*, secular, heterosexual and asexual, centrist and rightist, religiously tolerant, and monogamist Muslims

* liberal Muslims as in Muslims who are more open minded about their sons & daughters marrying non-Muslims (e.g. Christians) or even converting to Christianity upon their marriage to their non-Muslim spouse (e.g. the first lady of Argentina who converted to Roman Catholicism from Islam, where she stated in an interview with La Nación newspaper in 2012, that her father is a liberal Muslim who did not object to one of Juliana's sisters marrying a Christian and the other a Jew)

 @8G9P6TS from Pennsylvania  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but they should require strict background checks, and there should be a limit of around 5000.

 @7YJZJKK from North Carolina  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8VRMDNQ from Texas  answered…3yrs3Y

No, refugees should go to countries that are closer to their home country. That way if conditions improve in their home country they can return.

 @9284RDV from California  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, b ut not without a comperehnsive agenda which will promote integration, equity, and equal protections

 @8LSSB83 from New York  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, if we have done a background check, and depending on why they may be here, they should be accepted.

 @8QBK6PM from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

yes, if they go through the process to become an American citizen like other people who have come to America legally

 @8R2KPRF from California  answered…4yrs4Y

I would say no because in the U.S. there are too many people in the U.S. and jobs would be ostly taken by everyone else.

 @8XH4JN8 from Missouri  answered…3yrs3Y

Only if they go through the proper citizenship process and have extensive back ground checks.

 @MilesBHuff from Michigan  answered…4yrs4Y

 @7VSJ8PL from Texas  answered…4yrs4Y

No, but send aid to countries that are willing to take on more refugees

 @8BYLJPN from North Carolina  answered…5yrs5Y

This is a touchy subject because this could lead to an alliance and alliances can get us dragged into things we don't want to be a part of. I thing the right thing would be to assist them but only with extensive background checks.

 @85QWNPG from Colorado  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, we should accept some refugees from every country in crisis, but it is more important that we make sure these individuals are not harmful radicals and therefor they should be held in neighboring sympathtetic territories until that can be assertained to the best of our ability.

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but only after extensive background checks and intermittent monitoring to ensure they have no terrorist connections

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but only accept a precautionary number of 10,000 refugees once extensive background checks are completed to confirm they have no terrorist connections.

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, we should accept 10,000 refugees but only after extensive background checks.

 @8CR2TN8 from Missouri  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, if we have the resources available to split them all into different communities and monitor them.

 @8CY5FJV from California  answered…4yrs4Y

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but only after extensive background checks and intermittent monitoring to ensure they have no terrorist connections.

 @8D32KPS from Pennsylvania  answered…4yrs4Y

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, we should accept 10,000 refugees once extensive background checks are completed to confirm they have no terrorist connections

  @RickStewart from Iowa  answered…3yrs3Y

We should accept refugees from any country where our actions created the refugees. If our country did not, we have no moral obligation to accept refugees, but we should strive to be magnanimous when we are able.